Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mini Beach Houses

I was not too far from Melbourne, Australia (called Brighton if my memory doesn't fail me), when I came across multiple colorful mini storage buildings at the beach. A friend who took us there told us that one small storage unit cost about A$50,000! Wow! That's a lot of money just to put your belongings by the beach. If I have that kind of money, I probably would not buy the mini house. I would rather remodel my own house and create space for my beach or water sports equipment.


J@n!ce said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.
That is indeed a very costly mini house. Same as you, I wouldn't spend that kind of money just to store garage. Regarding your qns on the treadmill. I'm actually not to sure whether there are good buys over at KL or Penang. I'm not very familiar. I'm actually from Sg :)

Nice to know you !!

Janice Ng

JesieBlogJourney said...

Thanks for the visit. Singapore is a very clean city. I have a few cousins living there. I have been on transit in Changi Airport several times.

Jaya said...

They ARE expensive, but they're cute, too!!