Sunday, September 2, 2007

Koala or Koala Bear?

Before I visited Australia, I used to say I would like to cuddle a koala bear and take a picture of that. After my first visit, I concluded that:

1) I would not hold a koala without any protection.
2) I would not say "koala bear" but just "koala."

When my sister and I visited a koala sanctuary, we learned that those at the sanctuary were disease free. However, most of them out in the wild were diseased. We observed the ranger carefully wrapped his arms with a piece of cloth before he held a koala. It looked meek and lovable. I will share that picture when my scanner is running. Meanwhile this is a picture of a koala which just woke up.

When my husband and I visited Australia, we stayed away from the koalas. They sleep most of the time. Just watch these two out for a fight when they are awake.

We were told the word "koala" already included the word "bear" and we don't repeat it with the English word "bear" again. It was interesting to learn that the koala does not belong to the bear family. It belongs to the marsupial family instead. The Koala's scientific name (Phascolarctos cinereus) comes from the Greek: phaskolos meaning "pouch" and arktos meaning "bear" source

We bought some animal feed at the sanctury to feed other animals but not the koalas. They feed on the eucalyptus leaves and bark. The leaves are believed to have provided them with enough fluid.

If you want to see the koala, please note that they are not found in certain parts of Australia notably Western Australia and Tasmania. You will find them in the Victoria and South Australia. Enjoy.

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they are ttly crazzzzzzzzzzy like the person in front of me said ttly ttly ttly